End of the Project

The ITAMA_CAP project is coming to an end. Anyone residing in Malta can benefit from this opportunity for free non-invasive testing for Coeliac disease. If you are interested in getting yourself, your children or staff tested for this disease, please register using the following link by the last day of registration on 22nd October; https://app.itamaproject.eu/register/ or send an email to info@itamaproject.eu for more details

Free testing for coeliac disease to all staff members in Malta

ITAMA_CAP is offering free testing for coeliac disease to all members of staff at their place of work in Malta.
If this interests you, and you would like to bring this to the attention of the management team at your organisation, kindly ask them to contact us on our email: info@itamaproject.eu .
ITAMA CAP is an EU funded project under the Interreg Italia-Malta programme and is providing free testing for coeliac disease via Point of Care testing kits. Coeliac disease affects a person’s digestive system and can result in various adverse effects that include poor weight gain, bloating and vomiting.
This test consists of a quick and simple finger prick test carried out by qualified nurses, together with a 5 minute on-line questionnaire. This is in contrast to the previous invasive test where individuals would have a biopsy carried out to confirm whether they have Coeliac disease or not.
To learn more about ITAMA CAP and coeliac disease please visit our website:

ITAMA_CAP is working with employers around Malta to offer free testing

ITAMA_CAP is working with employers around Malta to offer free testing for Coeliac disease to all management and staff at their place of work.
If you are an employer in Malta and would like to benefit from this offer, please contact us on our email: info@itamaproject.eu .
ITAMA CAP is an EU funded project under the Interreg Italia-Malta programme and is providing free testing for coeliac disease via Point of Care testing kits. Coeliac disease affects a person’s digestive system and can result in various adverse effects that include poor weight gain, bloating and vomiting.
This test consists of a quick and simple finger prick test carried out by qualified nurses, together with a 5 minute on-line questionnaire. This is in contrast to the previous invasive test where individuals would have a biopsy carried out to confirm whether they have Coeliac disease or not.
To learn more about ITAMA CAP and coeliac disease please visit our website:

TV Interview – 16 August 2023

Dr Ramon Bondin from Mater Dei Hospital was invited on the TV programme Kumplimenti, on OneTV, on 16 August 2023 with Ms Debbie Scerri to discuss Coeliac Disease and the ITAMA_CAP project.

ITAMA_CAP : Free Test for Coeliac Disease for children aged 3 – 18 years old

The ITAMA_CAP project is a continuation of the ITAMA project, which was also funded under the Interreg Italia-Malta programme. 


ITAMA was implemented via cross collaboration of Medical and ICT teams in Sicily and Malta. The project ran a screening of more than 20,000 children of paediatric age [3-11] to determine if they are suffering from coeliac conditions using non-invasive techniques. The objectives of this ITAMA were met and are as follows:

  • to raise awareness about coeliac diseases
  • the results from the non-invasive simple prick tests using PoCT [Point of Care Testing] have validate the accuracy of the technique used
  • technology transfer and/or process innovation in the healthcare sector

An unforeseen issue while ITAMA was underway was the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it more difficult than expected to make contact with all the children and parents about the testing and then approving to send their children to school. As a result some parents and children who might have been interested during ITAMA chose not to participate or missed the opportunity.


ITAMA_CAP as ITAMA’s successor sought to apply the activities done in ITAMA with students between the ages of 12-18 instead.


These parents have reached out through ITAMA social media channels and expressed interest in registering their children for the test during ITAMA_CAP, and the registration for the test is now open to all students in Malta aged 3-18.


Register here: https://app.itamaproject.eu/register/