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ITAMA CAP on Maltese TV show

Dr. Ramon Bondin and Mark Camilleri from Mater Dei Hospital, were invited on the Maltese TV programme ‘Illum ma’ Steph’, where they discussed the condition of coeliac disease.

Dr. Bondin then went on to discuss how, during the next few months, the ITAMA_CAP project will be screening students aged 12-18 across schools in Malta, and adults in Sicily, for this disease via non-invasive techniques, which will enable medical professionals to provide the appropriate care at the appropriate stages for those who test positive for coeliac disease.


Radio Show April 2023

Dr. Ramon Bondin and Mark Camilleri from Mater Dei Hospital were invited to the Radio Show – Ghal Kulhadd on Radju Malta with Christine Delicata to discuss coeliac disease and the ITAMA CAP project on 26/04/2023

ITAMA CAP on Maltese TV programme

Dr. Christopher Barbara, Clinical Chairperson Pathology Department, Mater Dei Hospital, was invited on the Maltese TV programme ‘Fost il-Gimgha’, where Dr. Barbara delved deeper into the condition of coeliac disease.

Dr. Barbara then went on to discuss how, during the next few months, the ITAMA_CAP project will be screening students aged 12-18 across schools in Malta, and adults in Sicily, for this disease via non-invasive techniques, which will enable medical professionals to provide the appropriate care at the appropriate stages for those who test positive for coeliac disease.


ITAMA Project’s Interdisciplinary Workshop: Registration link

ITAMA’s medical and IT teams are ready to share with you all the project results in the final event on March 25, 2022 from 13:00 – 17:00 (CET).
the ITAMA Project’s Interdisciplinary Workshop: Towards a strengthening of a non-invasive diagnosis of Coeliac disease is happening both online via Zoom and in-person in Malta and Sicily.
📍Malta: The Notch Conference Centre, Urban Valley Resort, Kappara
📍Palermo: Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Piazza Marina, 59

ITAMA Questionnaires

Dear readers, it’s time to make your voices heard!

ITAMA is ongoing with the last few tests in Malta and Sicily while data is being compiled and statistics worked out. At this point we would like to hear your opinion about the project and the possible ways forward. For this reason, we are kindly asking you to give us feedback through in a short survey as follows:

If you are a medical/healthcare professional, please click here;

If you own/represent/work for a business that is related to coeliac disease or other autoimmune diseases, please click here;

If you are a citizen with or without connections to someone suffering from Coeliac Disease, please click here.


Business Opportunities for the Medtech and Foodtech sector

The #ITAMA project has successfully created a solution combining web based applications, Artificial Intelligence and testing kits to screen populations for coeliac disease.
After running more than 18,000 tests, the consortium is now reaching out to the wider business community to take such results to market.
We are looking for companies in the software, testing kits and #glutenfree food production industries from different regions of Europe that want to replicate our project, learn from our experience and run this as an opportunity.
Click here to view the web conference program.

COVID eLearning module

Finally here comes the COVID eLearning module developed by us at ITAMA for educators, parents and children alike. Just go to our website and “Register” to be able to access the course in one of 3 languages: Maltese, English, Italian. You may follow the contents easily from your computer, tablet or mobile. We hope you enjoy following the simple training and that you keep yourself safe by following the given advice.

ATTN: Children who missed to be tested in their own schools

We are pleased to inform you that in order to cover the students that for one reason or another missed the opportunity to be tested at school, we shall be organising a 1-day event.  The testing will be held in our offices in Naxxar and will be performed by MUMN nurses, just as it was done in the schools.  Parents of children aged 4-12 years that have not yet been tested may book a slot per child using one of the following links. The full address and a google map link is included as well in the booking system.

Kindly note that the booking will be on a first come first served basis, hence I urge you not to take too long to book as there are limited places.  Please note also that the event will be cancelled if there will not be enough bookings.  Any queries should be directed to

The event created on 29th May is fully booked and a new link is being provided. Please use this link to book your slot:

If the slots will get fully booked once more, we will create another event for another date.