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Request for Web Developer Services in connection with ITAMA, project C1-1.1-18 under Interreg Italy-Malta 2014-2020 Programme.

ITAMA is an interdisciplinary project financed by the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta programme. The project is under the lead of the Department of Physics and Chemistry of the University of Palermo. Other partners of this project are the University of Messina, Mater Dei Hospital, the Malta Ministry of Health and AcrossLimits Ltd.

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Dissemination & Information Session on the Third Health Programme

Yesterday, at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Center, we had the pleasure of attending an important meeting on "Results and knowledge of the health program". Mr. Joseph Abela, Director (Programme Implementation) within the Ministry for Health of Malta, chaired the meeting and introduced two important members of the European Commission: Jean-Luc Sion, Head of Policy - DG santé Health and Chronic Disease Unit Program and Antoinette Martiat, Project Manager - Chafea, Health Unit.

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ITAMA Launch in Malta

ITAMA was officially launched in Malta on the 30th of January 2019. The event gathered all the partners together to present the project to attendees from different backgrounds. The launch was mainly aimed at informing stakeholders from local schools about the need for this screening project, the benefit for the children taking part in the program and the way the testing is planned to be performed.

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